You can install the client package via composer:
composer require simplestats-io/laravel-client
At the moment, the following Laravel versions are supported: 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12
After you registered an account and obtained an API token by creating a project, you should publish the config and set your SIMPLESTATS_API_TOKEN
in your .env
The token will be displayed right after you've created an instance or you may view it again inside the app on the instance page.
Publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag="simplestats-client-config"
This is the default contents of the configuration (you may tweak it to your needs):
We will go through the config step by step in the next section of this documentation guide.
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Auth\Events\Login;
return [
| SimpleStats Settings
| SimpleStats is enabled by default. Be aware that if you turn disable it,
| you may lose important tracking data. In most cases, leave it enabled!
| You can provide an array of URI's that must be ignored (eg. 'api/*')
'enabled' => env('SIMPLESTATS_ENABLED', true),
'except' => [
| SimpleStats API Credentials
| Define your API credentials here. If you are not told to change the API URL,
| just keep the default. It's important to set an API token! You'll receive
| one, after creating an Instance for a Project on
'api_url' => env('SIMPLESTATS_API_URL', ''),
'api_token' => env('SIMPLESTATS_API_TOKEN'),
| SimpleStats Queue
| To avoid the tracking API calls block the whole request and for fault tolerance,
| we highly recommend to use Laravel's built-in queue-system. Here you can define
| to which queue the tracking API calls should be dispatched and handled by.
'queue' => env('SIMPLESTATS_QUEUE', 'default'),
| SimpleStats Tracking Codes
| Below you can set your tracking code URL param names. We already set some
| classical defaults for you, but you're free to change them as you like.
| Note that only the params which are listed here are getting tracked!
'tracking_codes' => [
'source' => ['utm_source', 'ref', 'referer', 'referrer'],
'medium' => ['utm_medium', 'adGroup', 'adGroupId'],
'campaign' => ['utm_campaign'],
'term' => ['utm_term'],
'content' => ['utm_content'],
| SimpleStats Tracking Types
| Here you can set three different tracking types. The first is the login
| event. If this event gets dispatched, we track a login. The second is
| the user model. If such a model is created, we track a registration.
| As the payment model is named very individually, we did not set any default here.
| Give it the name of the model which holds your payments or transactions data.
| See:
'tracking_types' => [
'login' => [
'event' => Login::class,
// Make sure this model implements the TrackablePerson or
// the TrackablePersonWithCondition contract
'user' => [
'model' => User::class,
// Make sure this model implements the TrackablePayment or
// the TrackablePaymentWithCondition contract
'payment' => [
'model' => null,