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How to track a new payment

As the payment model is named very individually, we did not set any default for it. You should give it the name of the model which holds your payments/transactions data.


Set the name of your payment model in the config:


    'tracking_types' => [
        // ...
        'payment' => [
            'model' => App\Models\Transaction::class,
        // ...


For this guide lets assume your payment model is called Transaction.

Payment Tracking

To track a new payment, the only thing you have to do is to add the TrackablePayment contract to your payment model and then implement the methods defined in the contract.

It may look like this:

class Transaction extends Model implements TrackablePayment
     * The person associated with the payment.
     * This may either be a user or a visitor.
    public function getTrackingPerson(): TrackablePerson
        return User::find($this->user_id);

     * The time when the payment happened.
    public function getTrackingTime(): CarbonInterface
        return $this->created_at;

     * The gross amount of the payment in cents ($1 = 100 Cent).
    public function getTrackingGross(): float
        return $this->total;

     * The net amount of the payment in cents ($1 = 100 Cent).
    public function getTrackingNet(): float
        return $this->total - $this->tax;

     * The ISO-4217 currency code of the payment.
     * E.g.: EUR, USD, GBP, etc...
    public function getTrackingCurrency(): string
        return $this->currency;

Now each time a new Transaction model gets created, an API request is sent to SimpleStats to count a new payment.


You may tweak the defined methods to your needs and apply any logic you need there!


Remember that Gross and Net must return cents!

Payment Tracking for Visitors

If a payment is made from a visitor and not a registered user you can handle this by returning a Visitor instead of a User object in the getTrackingPerson method (this feature is only available since version 3.0 of the SimpleStats client package).


You can safely skip this section if that's never the case for you.

Adding a Visitor Hash to Your Payment Model

When a new visitor visits your site, our package creates a Visitor Hash and stores it in session('simplestats.visitor_hash'), you can use it to associate a payment with a visitor, which allows us to calculate the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

We recommend adding a visitor_hash column to your payment model. You can do that by publishing the following migration:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=simplestats-client-migrations
php artisan migrate

Now make sure to add the hash when creating a new payment:

    // add the visitor_hash to the models fillable array
    'visitor_hash' => session('simplestats.visitor_hash')


Sometimes, you might need to create the payment model exclusively within the completed webhook of your payment provider. As you can't use the current session there, you need to make sure to pass the visitor_hash as additional metadata to the request. Here are some common payment providers and how you can accomplish that: Stripe, Paddle, Lemon Squeezy

Finally, you need to make sure to return a Visitor object in your payment model if it's a visitor payment:

use SimpleStatsIo\LaravelClient\Visitor;

class Transaction extends Model implements TrackablePayment
     * The person associated with the payment.
     * This may either be a user or a visitor.
    public function getTrackingPerson(): TrackablePerson
        if (! emtpy($this->visitor_hash)) {
            return new Visitor($this->visitor_hash);
        } else {
            return User::find($this->user_id);
    // ...


If your application does not have any users at all, just always return a Visitor object.

Congrats, now each time a new Transaction model gets created, an API request is sent to SimpleStats to count a new payment.

With Condition

Sometimes you may not want to count a newly created payment immediately as a "valid" one. For such cases, the TrackablePaymentWithCondition contract is designed to be utilized. Use it if you want to track/count a new payment only when a certain condition is fulfilled, such as the payment status has switched from "pending" to "completed".

use SimpleStatsIo\LaravelClient\Contracts\TrackablePaymentWithCondition;

class Transaction extends Model implements TrackablePaymentWithCondition
    // ...

     * The condition that should be fulfilled in order to track the payment.
    public function passTrackingCondition(): bool
        return $this->status === 'completed';

     * The field(s) we should watch for changes to recheck the condition.
    public function watchTrackingFields(): array
        return ['status'];
    // ...


Now, as soon as the payment status switches from "pending" to "completed", the payment gets tracked and counted. You may tweak these methods completely to your needs!


You can check as many fields as you like and apply any logic you want here.

Multi Currency Support

Upon registering with SimpleStats, you'll be prompted to select a default currency for your team/company. For services, shops, or applications that operate across multiple currencies, our API seamlessly handles the conversion. Any transactions made in foreign currencies are automatically converted to your team's default currency, using a daily exchange rate. This feature ensures that all financial data is standardized and accurately reflects in your analytics, simplifying the management of international transactions.


Multi Currency Support is not available on the free subscription plan.